Unko Aiueo Chart and Erasable Hiragana Practice Board

Unko Sensei series is the multi-million selling books by 文響社 (Bunkyosya) publishing company that inspires children to learn various subjects while they are laughing at funny poopy illustrations and endless creative toilet jokes. (By the way, Unko means poop in Japanese.)
Entire book is printed in color, and poop.
Book subjects includes Japanese, English, math, reading clock, handling money, arts and crafts, and all different kinds of critical thinking trainings such as maze, spot-the-difference for younger toddlers, and computer programming for the bigger toddlers. Each book comes with a prize. I illustrated these prizes that were inserted in the Unko Drill Very First Hiragana, published in March 2022.

うんこあいうえおひょう Unko Aiueo Chart

なんどもかける、ひらがなれんしゅうボード Erasable Hiragana Practice Board (Back / Front)

I like how neon-red and neon-pink really poop. Excuse me, pop!

My toddler really liked to write on it!
All of the Aiueo letters are embossed so a child can touch and feel the letters!